The Birth of a baby is the most precious gift to a parent. And in this, parents, want to do what is best in them and protect them from harm. The initial contact with healthcare professional after our babies come into this world, is the recommendation to give them vaccines. We are told that vaccines will protect them from most common ailments that attack children while growing up like; pneumonia, bloodstream infections, meningitis and other serious infections. Within hours of birth, children will get a shot of the hepatitis B vaccine. At around 2 and Half months of age, children could get as many as five separate shots containing seven vaccines accompanied with Oral Vaccines. For parents, all of these shots can seem overwhelming. For many parents, they would ask: • What are vaccines? • How do vaccines work? • What is my child’s risk of getting one of the diseases that vaccines prevent? • Are vaccines safe for my baby? We will describe how vaccines are made and how vaccines work to protect our children from harm. With a better understanding of vaccines and the diseases they prevent.

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